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What is SSB Interview in NDA?

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What is SSB Interview in NDA?

What is SSB Interview in NDA?

SSB Interview in NDA is held after qualifying the written exam. SSB interview are of 5 days procedure :-


Day-1 Screening under SSB interview in NDA

Screening test is the primary stage of SSB. In screening most of the candidates get rejected. It consist of two types :-

OIR(Officer Intelligence Rating)
OIR consist of Verbal and Non Verbal reasoning

(a) Verbal Reasoning

Figure, Analogies, Figure matrix, Locating hidden figure, Odd one Out, Classification of data, Paper Cutting, Problem on cubes, visualizing patterns, Spatial Ability.

(b) Non Verbal Reasoning

Completion of series, Blood relation, Shorter & Taller problems, Logical Venn Diagram, Jumbled words, Coding-Decoding, One word substitution, Problem on ranks, Interchanging 2 signs, Identification of letter, Reconstruction of test

PP & DT(Picture Perception & Description Test)

In Picture Perception test a picture is shown for 30 seconds and next 4 minutes are allotted to the candidates to write a story about on the given picture.
In Description test 20 minutes are allotted for group discussion. In a group discussion officer notice your body language, tone, patience, perception, The group discussion should be kept alive as it throws a positive attitude.

Day-2 Psychology Test under SSB interview in NDA

In Psychology test officer notice your ability to deal with different situation. In this you will provided with the different task and you have to deal with patience, courage and determination. In psychology test you have to go with the 4 stages, which are given below:-

TAT(Thematic Appreception Test)

In Thematic appreception test a picture is shown to the candidates and asked to make a story based on the shown picture. On behalf of the stories created by the candidates officer evaluate the personality, mental ability, emotional intelligence and decision making ability of the candidates.

WAT(Word association test)

In Word association test candidates are provided with a series of words and with that word they have to response quickly. This is type of psychology test in which officer analyze the quick decisions taken by the candidates. This help to assess how candidates think under pressure.

SRT(Situation Reaction Test)

In situation reaction test candidates are provided with a different scenario and asked to response quickly. In this test officer notice how candidates react in that situation and how they are going to handle that situation.

SDT(Self Description Test)

Self Description test are the psychology test conducted to know the basic information of the candidates. In this test 15 minutes are given to the candidates to write on the given question like what your parents think about you, what your teachers think about you and what your friends think about you.

Day- 3 & 4 GTO (Group Testing Officer) under SSB interview in NDA

GTO task are consist of 8 tests:-

1. GD(Group Discussion)

There are two group discussion, In first group discussion two topics are provided in which candidates have to choose one topic and the topic will be a debatable and in the second group discussion topic are provided related to social issue.

2. PGT(Progressive Group Task)

PGT entails establishing a number of obstacles on the ground in a predetermined area and requiring members of a team to navigate each obstacle according to a predetermined set of rules. The G.T.O. supplies certain aiding materials, such as Balli (a wooden log), Plank, and rope to tie them together, so that the characters can cross the barriers. The undertaking’s task becomes increasingly difficult as one hurdle is overcome after another. As a result, we call it the Progressive Group Task.

3. Snake Race

Snake Race, also known as Group Obstacle Race (GOR), is one of the most exciting and thrilling aspects of group testing. It’s interesting since it appears to be a war with other people. All groups must run through a series of six obstacles while carrying a tent that resembles a snake when rolled up. At most four groups can participate at once. Each of the four teams has its own channel. This is a fast-paced assignment that the candidates will be really thrilled about.

4. Lecturette

During the SSB interview in NDA candidates are given a “lecturette” exam to determine their personality type. A lecturette is a candidate’s short speech or discourse. During a group project, the GTO directs the lecturette. A candidate is given a card that includes four of the SSB Lecturette subjects. The candidate is then required to speak for three minutes about one of the themes on the card. During the Lecturette, a candidate has the opportunity to impress the GTO by demonstrating his or her positive personality. The GTO wants the candidate to have appropriate facial expressions, body language, fluency, and confidence.

5. HGT(Half Group Task) 

HGT is similar to PGT, except that the group is divided into two sets rather than just one. So the GTO will closely monitor how the candidates perform. The rules for this are the same as for the PGT. The purpose of this exercise is to determine how well the candidate can lead. Each applicant can choose two persons from the group. The candidate should have to overcome an impediment with the number of personnel and resources available to them in the time frame provided. Now that there are only half as many applicants, GTO may focus on each candidate’s leadership abilities.

6. Individual task

Individual Obstacles is a task from the GTO series. It is typically completed on the first or second day of GTO testing. As the name implies, each member of the group completes this activity on their own. The purpose of this test is to determine if you have the necessary abilities, physical toughness, stamina, fortitude, and resolve, as well as whether you have acrophobia (a fear of heights). It also assesses your ability to develop and implement decisions swiftly.

7. Command Task

In the SSB Command Task, a leader can select two or three members from the group, but not himself. However, frequently two persons plus the leader are adequate. A board and a ball are used to offer assistance. The difficulty level of your command mission is determined by your previous performance. If you receive a difficult command task, it signifies you are performing well in GTO.

8. FGT(Final Group task)

The Final Group Task (FGT) is the last task in the GTO, and candidates must complete it as a group. This is longer and slightly more difficult. As a result, a significant amount of time is allocated to planning and implementation. The rules, principles, and directions are identical to those used in the Progressive Group Task (PGT).

Day-5 Conference under SSB interview in NDA

Conference Day in the SSB interview in NDA is the final day of the selection process when all assessors, including the Deputy President, Group Testing Officer, and Psychologist, meet to discuss and finalize each candidate’s assessment based on their performance throughout the selection process. During Conference Day, the assessors evaluate the candidate’s performance in a variety of tests, including Psychological Tests, Group Testing Exercises, Personal Interviews, and the Self Description Test. They discuss and appraise the candidate’s overall appropriateness for a military career based on their performance, demeanor, leadership potential, communication skills, and other characteristics identified during the SSB interview.

Medical Test

Once candidates get conference in, medical test is conducted by the medical board. The following test are:-

1.  Blood test, Urine Test, Chest x-ray, Ultrasound
2. Ear, Nose& Tongue(ENT), Eye
3. Surgical Examination
4. Eye & Dental
5. Height, weight, blood pressure, heartbeat

Final Merit list

“The final list is prepared on the basis of performance and rank.”


To summarize, the SSB interview in NDA, India is a tough and comprehensive selection procedure used by the Services Selection Board to evaluate candidates for recruitment into the Indian Armed Forces. The interview assesses a candidate’s personality traits such as intelligence, leadership abilities, communication skills, and overall appropriateness for a military career. Candidates must thoroughly prepare for the SSB interview, both mentally and physically, in order to shine and maximize their chances of being selected. Success in the SSB interview in NDA opens the door for candidates to serve their country with honor and dedication in the Indian Armed Forces.


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